
Most active pages
23 October 2024

1330 k29 k29 kIrene Mwendwa on language exclusion and coloniality online
1215 k14 k14 k“Nothing about us, without us” Dumisani Ndubane reflects on ways to decol…
1221 k20 k20 kEsther Mwema on digital colonialism and who owns our undersea cables
119.8 k9.5 k33 kCuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996/Title I
232572571.9 kTo-morrow
116.3 k6.2 k6.2 kBlind Husbands
115.5 k5.4 k5.4 kGravel v. United States
11-4.1 k4 k3151911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Penny
1411.1 k1.1 k1.1 kEuropean Elegies/Winter
113.6 k3.6 k3.6 kBarr v. Matteo (360 U.S. 564)
15871871871The Sailor's Return
12992992992The Sailor's Return ('Behold, from many a hostile shore')
13733733733The Soldier's Departure
11-2.3 k2.2 k2881911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Père David's Deer
11-2.2 k2.1 k2461911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Penn Yan
146616692.4 kToy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends
14778796778Animal Welfare Act 2006
14649917649The Bartenstein Case
12824826824Animal Welfare Act
13518518518European Elegies/Winter/Death
13367367367MacGregor Aurara (1817, Stirling)/Savourna Delish
12653653653Jersey Journal/1952/Freudenberg
12516516516European Elegies/Winter/To-morrow
11992992992Arizona Republic/1949/Polio Fails To Stop Snuffy's Owners
13434434434The Soldier's Departure/The Day Returns
11962962962Jersey Journal/1954/Karen Freudenberg, Year Old, of Virus
11-9119112561911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pennyroyal
12385385385To a Sleeping Child
13336372336The Poetical Works of Robert Burns/Country Lassie
12381381381The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/The Panther
12376376376The Stream of Life
12370370370MacGregor Aurara (1817, Stirling)/Poor Jack
13324324324MacGregor Aurara (1817, Stirling)/Macgregor Aurara
12356364356The Poetical Works of Robert Burns/The Bonie Wee Thing
12350350350The Soldier's Departure/The Bud on the Brier
12330330330Poems (Stoddard)/A Summer Night
12315315315Poems (Probyn)/Song (Come what will, you are mine to-day)
12301345345A Ballad
12430430430The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/Love and Age
12304304304Poems (Probyn)/Sonnet
12300300300Poems (Stoddard)/Autumn
12296296296Poems (Stoddard)/October
11792792792Jersey Journal/1963/Mrs. Freudenberg
12291291291Poems (Stoddard)/November
12289289289Poems (Stoddard)/The Tryst
12288288288Poems (Stoddard)/March
12285285285Poems (Stoddard)/The Message
12284284284Poems (Probyn)/Sudden death
12280280280Poems (Stoddard)/Last Days
12279279279Poems (Stoddard)/Exile
12271271271Poems (Stoddard)/Why?
12265265265Poems (Stoddard)/August
12262262262Poems (Probyn)/Yesterday
12258258258Poems (Probyn)/Song ("Oh, little maid! little maid!)
22104215 kNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
13324324324The Sailor's Return ('When time brought me back to my father's again')
136060374The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/The Sailor's Return
12349349349The Sailor's Return ('Let Fops pretend in flames to melt')
12346346346MacGregor Aurara (1817, Stirling)/If I Should Get Laughing at That
12206206759Bonnie Wee Thing
12303303303Poems (Probyn)/Forgotten polly
1216616616 kPoems
11660660660If I Should Get Laughing at That
12277277277Poems (Probyn)/Pansies
13-96138395True lover's garland (1)/Will's courtship, and Katie's victory
11629629629The Banks of Nith ("The Thames flows proudly to the sea")
13-75139447Sentimental reciter/Saul
129797441The Tippling Farmer (2)/The Sailor's Return
12-89105566True lover's garland (1)/The laughing song
12-74144467I had a horse (1820)/The day returns
12-54208494Welcome Charlie o'er the main/The Sailor's Return
11578578578Poems (Stoddard)
12-37217458Sentimental reciter/The Sailor's Return
11561561561The Sailor's Return ('A fair maid walking all in a garden')
11560560560Poems (Probyn)
11560560560Lilies of the Valley (1825, Stirling)
123094830The Bonnie Wee Thing
12-25179497Queen Mary's lamentation (1823)/The sailor's return
12-33103467Tak your auld cloak about ye (2)/The Day Returns
12-165169336Seven excellent songs/Fair Eliza
11534534534European Elegies/Winter/Written in a new cemetery
123232611The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)
122424310The Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar/Chapter 1
12-143169794Seven excellent songs
122020405The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/The Female Soldier
122020346The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/A Trip to the Fair
122020388The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/The Gin Drinker's Frolic
122020415The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/The Forsaken Nymph
122020403The Sailor's Return (1806, Glasgow)/The True Hearted Maiden
1213131.2 kTo a Sleeping Child (Clough)
137272782Story of the Hunchback
12-102152453Queen Mary's lamentation (1823)/Queen Mary's lamentation
127824044 kSonnet
11473473473Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow/When a Feller's Itchin' to Be Spanked
12-85155512Welcome Charlie o'er the main/The Day Returns
11468468468MacGregor Aurara (1817, Stirling)
11468468468Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Novel M…
114614611.3 kThe Kural or the Maxims of Tiruvalluvar
11451451451Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Making …
11448448547Saul (Byron)
11445445445The Posie
11442442442Robin shure in hairst
11440440440Country Lassie
11440440440The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/A Love-Lesson
12-32186476I had a horse (1820)/The soldier's return
125555422The Book of Scottish Song/The Banks of Aith
11429429429The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/On the Laugh of Madame D'Albret
11428428428The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/Abel and Mabel
11422422422The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/Epitaph on an Englishman
11422422422The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/Love and Reason
11418418418Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/A Step …
11417417417Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Model S…
11413413413Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Toy Can…
11412412412The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/Love and War
11407407407Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/A Red-C…
11405405405Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Railway…
11403403403Arabian Nights Entertainments (1706)/Volume 5/The Second Brother
11400400400Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/A War G…
12-1377480Seven excellent songs/The land of the leal
11398398398Toy-Making at Home: How to Make a Hundred Toys from Odds and Ends/Tram Car
11394394394Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow/The River of Ruin
11391391391The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline, and Fall/Chapter 60
11391391391The Poetical Works of Leigh Hunt/The Curate and His Bishop
11374374374The Bartenstein Case/Chapter 1
11370370370The Poetical Works of Robert Burns/The Banks of Nith ("The Thames flows p…
11371371371Lilies of the Valley (1825, Stirling)/Flora's Lament for Charly
11359359359Lilies of the Valley (1825, Stirling)/Up in the Morning
11-3473473361911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Penobscot
11347347347Lilies of the Valley (1825, Stirling)/This is No My Plaid
11343343343Poems (Probyn)/Affinities
11340340340Poems (Probyn)/"Portrait of a lady, 17—"
11340340340The Soldier's Departure/Ca' the Ewes to the Knowes
11340340340Poems, Sacred and Moral/To My Son, on the Destruction of Needwood Forest
11334334334The Poetical Works of Robert Burns/The Posie
11330330330Poems (Stoddard)/"On my bed of a winter night"
11327327327The Soldier's Departure/I Hae Lost My Jeanie, O
11325325325Poems (Stoddard)/"Now that the pain is gone, I too can smile"
11326326326The Bartenstein Case/Chapter 2
11324324324Poems (Stoddard)/"Oh, the wild, wild days of youth!"
1131831813 kLines
11316316316Poems (Stoddard)/"O friend, begin a loftier song"
11314314314Poems (Probyn)/At the workhouse door
11-3153151.1 kSentimental reciter
11309309309Poems (Stoddard)/The Colonel's Shield
11309309309Poems (Stoddard)/You left Me
11309309309Poems (Stoddard)/"Fan me with these lilies fair"
11310310310Poems (Stoddard)/Before the Mirror
11310310310Lilies of the Valley (1825, Stirling)/Johnny Bluster Dwalt on Clyde
11307307307Poems (Probyn)/Madrigal gai
11308308308Poems (Probyn)/The almond tree
Graphique des modifications 23 October 2024
Graphique des utilisateurs 23 October 2024
Graphique des espaces de noms 23 October 2024