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9 June 2024

24-41 k40 k302Efficient and Secure Group Messaging Encryption
1234 k33 k33 kCutter v. Wilkinson/Opinion of the Court
1141 k40 k40 kThe Ludgate Monthly/Volume 6/Drifting
1219 k19 k19 kEverybody's/'I Hear You Calling Me'
13-14 k14 k597The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On His Proposed Removal from Office
1133 k32 k32 kAdventure/Red Toll
1131 k30 k30 kThe Red Book Magazine/Volume 11/Number 6/The God from the Machine
1129 k28 k28 kThe Ludgate Monthly/Volume 6/Rhea, a Woman of the World
1127 k27 k27 kThe Red Book Magazine/Volume 12/Number 5/The Enchanted Valley
11-23 k22 k4331911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Old Catholics
1121 k20 k20 kThe Red Book Magazine/Volume 16/Number 3/Christmas at Swamp Creek
1117 k16 k16 kS&E Contractors, Inc. v. United States/Dissent Brennan
1115 k15 k15 kCutter v. Wilkinson/Opinion of Justice Thomas
28106882 kConcordia Triglotta/The Confession of Faith
13-4.7 k4.6 k359 kA Moslem Seeker after God
13-3.3 k3.2 k584The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On Coercive Measures in America
12-2.5 k2.4 k558The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/Conquest of America Impossible
12-2.7 k2.7 k361A Moslem Seeker after God/intro
17718718718Indian Medicinal Plants/Natural Order Melastomaceæ
11-2.9 k2.9 k423A Moslem Seeker after God/preface
14692692692Indian Medicinal Plants/Natural Order Lythraceæ
111 k1 k13 kUnited States Code/Title 10/Subtitle A/Part II/Chapter 45
13406444406Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Outlaw
13489489489The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/The Retort to Walpole
12451453451The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/Speech on the Scaffold (Sidney)
12500500500The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/Against the Gin Bill of the Ministry
12341341341Poems (Scudder)/Waiting
12333335333Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The "Bloody Run"
12456456456The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On the Right to Tax America (Murray)
12321321321Poems (Scudder)/The Tuileries in March
12315315315Poems (Scudder)/Autumn
12298298298Poems (Scudder)/The Fountain
11775775775Songs of the Silent World and Other Poems
12385447385Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Stanzas (Oh! not to me, oh! not to me)
12388408388The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/Speech on the Scaffold (Rumbold)
13332420332Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Song (Come back! cried Cupid; 'tis not too …
12371469371Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To ——— (Star of my fate! my life—my love—my…
1221621612 kPoems
12330332330Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Reverse
12298436298Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Can the voice die
12314314314Poems (Scudder)/California Poppies
11686686686Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London/Volume 34/On the Glac…
12308308308Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Song (I remember, I remember, though it see…
11659659659The Fun of It
12279281279Poems (Scudder)/Dragon-flies
12-97971.1 kA Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind Margaret
12-149149702The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778)
11517517517The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On the Right to Tax America (Pitt)
11506506506The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On Affairs in America
13-8789455The Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics/Book 1/Poem 10
12-127131772A Daughter of the Rich
11488488488The Monk: a Romance/Volume 3
11464464464Poems on Several Occasions (Broome)/On the Death of my Dear Friend Mr. El…
127676970The Boor
11450450450Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)
11430430430Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius/Chapter 6
1250501.3 kThe World's Famous Orations
122626688Indian Medicinal Plants/Natural Order Myrtaceæ
11398398398The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/The Heavenly Footman
11397397397The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/On the Method of Grace
11393393393The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/God's Love to Fallen Man
11391391391Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Queen Mary's escape from Lochleven Castle
11379379379The World's Famous Orations/Volume 3/To His Army Before Quebec
11378378378Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To die in summer's pride, alas!
11373373373Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Listening to the Music of the Telegraph Wires
11370370370Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To R———
11370370370Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Coquette
11368368368Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To the Author of "A New Reading of Old Songs"
11366366366Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Childhood's Prayer
11365365365Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Love, Reason, and Truth
11364364364Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Impatient
11364364364Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Nay say not so, beloved
11363363363Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To the memory of one of the Signers of the …
11359359359Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/A Penitent's Address to the Muse
11356356356Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/"Winter with snow flakes on his hoary brow"
11355355355Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Voice of the Thunder-Cloud
11356356356Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Confessions
11354354354Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Medora's Song
11353353353Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The love of other days
11354354354Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Thoughts
11352352352Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To Mary
11349349349Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Backwoodsman's Tale
11342342342Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Deserted Wife
11340340340Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Death of Opechancanough
11339339339Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Impromptu
11337337337Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Blasted Oak
11336336336Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Death and the Warrior
11333333333Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Packet Ship Ashburton
11334334334Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Consumptive
11333333333Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Festival
11334334334Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The last errand of the Indian Chief "Bald E…
11332332332Poems (Scudder)/Old Jewelry
11328328328Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/I'll dream no more
11325325325Poems (Scudder)/A Provincetown Summer
11325325325Poems (Scudder)/Three Sonnets to Beatrice
11326326326Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Song (Ah! Wisdom may speak from his bright …
11324324324Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Philosophy of the Stars
11321321321Poems (Scudder)/The "Morning-glory" Geyser
11321321321Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To ——— (We may not break, beloved)
11319319319Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To the Message Bird
11316316316Anthology of Japanese Literature/The Eternal Storehouse of Japan
11316316316Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To the Absent
11317317317Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/On a Violet
11314314314Poems (Scudder)/My Lady's Vinaigrette
11315315315Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Song (There's a smile on thy lips, Mary)
11315315416The Reformation of Calliope
11313313313Poems (Scudder)/A Château in the Aisne
11311311311Poems (Scudder)/Mystery
11312312312Poems (Scudder)/Her Ladyship's Fan
11311311311Poems (Scudder)/Venetian Vases
11311311311Poems (Scudder)/The Mother of Merovee
11312312312Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Combat
11309309309Poems (Scudder)/The Swallow Vases
11310310310Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/The Exile's Lament
11309309309Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To Grace
11309309309Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Love
11308308308Poems (Scudder)/Old English
11307307307Poems (Scudder)/The Forest of Compiègne
11307307307Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Song (Bring me roses, red roses, to fling o…
11308308308Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Invocation
11305305305Poems (Scudder)/Jeanne and a City Garden
11305305305Poems (Scudder)/Angel-fish
11305305305Poems (Scudder)/In My Love's Garden
11306306306Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To Cora
11305305305Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To ——— (Thy mellow voice is still upon mine…
11305305305Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To ——— (It told me thou wert all my own)
11303303303Poems (Scudder)/A Princess of Egypt
11298298298Poems (Scudder)/The Chine
11298298298Poems (Scudder)/Two Little Ladies
11298298298Poems (Scudder)/Penthesilea
11298298298Poems (Scudder)/The Miracle
11297297297Poems (Scudder)/The Nereid
11297297297Poems (Scudder)/Marie de France
11296296296Poems (Scudder)/On the Mosaic of a Byzantine Empress
11296296296Customs and Excise Management Act 1979/Part 4
11296296296Poems (Lewis)/The Consoler
11296296296Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/Stanzas (Tell me, Spirit of the Sea)
11295295295Poems (Scudder)/Rain in an English Garden
11294294294Poems (Scudder)/The Bead Bag
11294294294Poems (Scudder)/An Old Garden
11294294294Poems (Eliza Gabriella Lewis)/To ——— (Yes, love me for myself alone)
11293293293Poems (Scudder)/Hauviette's Prayer
11293293293Songs of the Silent World and Other Poems/Sung to a Friend
11291291291Poems (Scudder)/Adoration
11289289289Poems (Scudder)/An Antique Earring
11289289289Poems (Scudder)/Corals
11288288288Poems (Scudder)/Antinous
11289289289Poems (Scudder)/An Old Cameo
Graphique des modifications 9 June 2024
Graphique des utilisateurs 9 June 2024
Graphique des espaces de noms 9 June 2024