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1 August 2023

1134 k34 k34 kDown to the Sea/The Rivals
11-26 k26 k276The Innocents Abroad/Chapter 19
1124 k24 k24 kDown to the Sea/A Hero of the Cloth
11-13 k13 k424The Innocents Abroad/Chapter 18
11-13 k13 k436The Innocents Abroad/Chapter 20
1113 k13 k13 kDown to the Sea/A Cow, Two Men, and a Parson
1112 k11 k11 kDown to the Sea/A Chemical Comedy
241-173219786To Nobodaddy
11-6.8 k6.7 k2971911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pyrrhus
23-1911932.1 kRhymes of a Red-Cross Man/The Fool
142.2 k2.2 k2.1 kThe Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Swania Foiled Again
12-2.8 k2.8 k333Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/A Testimony
161.1 k1.1 k1.1 kThe Welch Traveller
141.1 k1 k1 kThe Lay of the Nibelungs
121.4 k1.3 k1.3 kPunch/Volume 147/Issue 3834
12-1.6 k1.6 k3511911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Pyrrhotite
12699699699Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3833/The Return of the Prodigal
12513513513Weird Tales/Volume 3/Issue 4/The Man Who Dared to Know
13-544622401Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/The World
12452452452Death of Nelson
13534534534Summary of CHS's meeting with executives of Burisma Holdings
12528528528The Auk/13/1/An Important Factor in the Study of Western Bird-life
132765626.9 kPunch/Volume 147/Index/Articles
11840840840Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Charivaria
11838838838Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Unwritten Letters to the Kaiser
11833833833Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Our Booking-Office
12431431431Weird Tales/Volume 3/Issue 4/True Courage
11793793793Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The Real Hero of the War
22102841.1 kOdyssey (Pope)
11771771771Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The Watch Dogs
13324354324Death of Nelson/The Rakish Sailor
13280302280The Anatomy of Tobacco/Book II, Chapter II
11693693693Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Punch in the Trenches
11691691691Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The Imperial Infanticide
11691691691Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The War-Lord's New Year's Eve
11679679679Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/New Year Novelties
11677677677Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/A Voice in the Night
11671671671Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/R.G.A.
11669669669Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Rejected Offerings
11665665665Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The Peacemaker
11665665665Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The Next
11661661661Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Victorine
11657657657Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Kill or Cure
11658658658Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/The New Army to the Front
11653653653Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3816/En Passant
12274274274Death of Nelson/Death of Nelson
11631631631Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3834/Dishonoured
11619619619Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopædia B…
11515515515The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament
11395395395The Works of Ben Jonson/Volume 6/A Tale of a Tub/Act III/Scene IV
12-66735Children Development Co-Savings Act 2001
11377377377Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/From House to Home
11360360360Shingle-Short and Other Verses/Early Days
11356356356The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament/The Deceived Batchelor
11350350350Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/Sleep at Sea
11346346346The Lay of the Nibelungs/Chapter 1
11341341341Poems of Nature (Whittier)/Summer by the Lakeside
11331331331Poems of Nature (Whittier)/Storm on Lake Asquam
11329329329The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament/Sweet Jeany
11330330330Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/"Consider the Lilies of the Field"
11320320320Swedenborg's Doctrine of Correspondence/"Thoughts About Christian Science…
11319319319Death of Nelson/The Lanarkshire Lads
11318318318The Anatomy of Tobacco/Book II, Chapter I
11312312312The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament/The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament
11306306306Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 2/Gustavus C. Moser
11290290290The Dutchess of Newcastle's Lament/The Fickle Fix'd
1128628614 kUnited States Reports
11257257257Death of Nelson/The Greenock Sailor
11-2522524.4 kRhymes of a Red-Cross Man/The Man from Athabaska
112262262 kDown to the Sea
11-2162161 kRhymes of a Red-Cross Man/Grand-père
111951954001911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Socrates (historian)
11-1331332.6 kRhymes of a Red-Cross Man/Milking Time
11-12412436 kOregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 27/Pioneer Pot Pourri
1195951.1 kThe Auk
11707070Category:Indexes validated in August 2023
11696969Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Swania Foiled Again
11696969Swania Foiled Again
11-62621.9 kShakespeare's Sonnets
11-4444915The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Piggy Bank Robbery
11414111 kShake-speares Sonnets, Never before Imprinted
11414141Punch/Volume 147/December 30
11-39391 kThe Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Two Wet Bears
11-3131537Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile/Volume 3/Book 5/Chapter 7
112727684Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 2
11-2828572Songs of the Workers (15th edition)/Casey Jones—The Union Scab
1125254.2 kLittle Elephant Catches Cold
112222434Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Backgammon
1122222.2 kThe Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Pirate Pete
1122222.7 kThe Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/The Land of More
1123231.3 kThe Adventures of Paddy the Pelican
112020599Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/The Grand Duchy of Baden
11212121Category:Common cold
112121512Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich
112121546Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baïf, Jean Antoine de
112121442Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badnur
112020498Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bagnères-de-Bigorre
112020544Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bagnacavallo, Bartolommeo
111818791Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badia y Leblich, Domingo
111818516Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baden (3.)
111919504Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baghermi
111919503Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bagnères-de-Luchon
111717519Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badalocchio, Sisto
111414649Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badius, Jodocus
111515541Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bagration, Prince Peter
111414474Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baden (4.)
111515467Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baghdad (1.)
111414512Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/William Baffin
111515463Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bahia (2.)
111515600Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baglivi, Giorgio
111313258 kChaucer's Works (ed. Skeat) Vol. VI/Introduction
111313372Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baghmati
111111778Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baden (2.)
111111480Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bahamas
111212440Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baeza
1199435Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badminton
1199471Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badrinath
11-9934 kOregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 27/James Douglas on the Columbia, 1830…
111010475Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baffin's Bay
1199504Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baltimore
1199481Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bagatelle
1177561Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bahrein
1177412Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baiburt
116671 kMatthew Fontaine Maury/15
11662.3 kOregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 25
1166498Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Badger
12565661 kConstitution of the German Democratic Republic (1949)
11442.8 kWomen's Suffrage
1155408Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baiæ
1155404Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Bahia (1.)
1155508Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Baena
113327 kPittsburgh Youth Statement
11-22352Goblin Market and Other Poems (1862)/Symbols
11112.7 kAdministration of Justice Act
1100761Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3832/The Watch Dogs
1111382The Works of Ben Jonson/Volume 6/A Tale of a Tub/Act III/Scene III
11113 kThe Middle Peasants
111-6969704Heart of the West
11222.3 kRules of Melbourne Football Club (1859)
11222.8 kRules of Melbourne Football Club (1860)
Graphique des modifications 1 August 2023
Graphique des utilisateurs 1 August 2023
Graphique des espaces de noms 1 August 2023