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25 May 2022

1256 k54 k54 kGhetto Comedies/Anglicization
1171 k69 k69 kGhetto Comedies/The Model of Sorrows
1236 k35 k35 kAdditional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022
18-9.5 k13 k678Statutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 3
1113 k13 k13 kLi Shoon's Nine Lives/Chapter 1
119.6 k9.4 k9.4 kLi Shoon's Nine Lives/Chapter 2
223.2 k3.1 k1.5 MBiblical commentary the Old Testament/Volume IV. Poetical Books/Psalms I …
23-189303378The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 24
121.8 k1.7 k1.7 kLi Shoon's Nine Lives
113.2 k3.1 k3.1 kUnited Nations Emergency Force: Sixth Report of the Secretary-General (A/…
138418413.2 kNinety-nine Homilies of S. Thomas Aquinas Upon the Epistles and Gospels f…
12987987987Flatland (fifth edition)
128258251.8 kModern Dancing
161516335 kStatutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 1
11964964964Stories by Foreign Authors (Polish-Greek-Belgian-Hungarian)
11944944944The Woman Socialist
12378378378The History of the Standard Oil Company/Volume 2/Appendix/Number 37
131173152.3 kStatutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 2
19-7878268 kDiary of Joseph Smith, Jr. (1835-1836)
12172172557Modern Dancing/Chapter 2
12-116116410The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 1/The Paradise of Palladius/The Histories of t…
12101101551Modern Dancing/Chapter 6
12101101505Modern Dancing/Chapter 8
12100100650Modern Dancing/Chapter 3
12100100546Modern Dancing/Chapter 5
12-224224415The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 6
1281812.8 kA Dictionary of Music and Musicians/1:15
11538538538Ninety-nine Homilies of S. Thomas Aquinas Upon the Epistles and Gospels f…
11539539539Ninety-nine Homilies of S. Thomas Aquinas Upon the Epistles and Gospels f…
12-97229472The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 44
12-96136403The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 1/The Paradise of Palladius/The Histories of t…
131-1470655Indian Shipping/Book 1/Part 1/Chapter 1
11407407407Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gathe…
11388388388The History of the Standard Oil Company/Volume 2/Appendix/Number 38
11387387387A Little Country Girl (Coolidge)/Chapter 6
11386386386A Little Country Girl (Coolidge)/Chapter 5
11383383383The History of the Standard Oil Company/Volume 2/Appendix
11374374374The Woman Socialist/Chapter 12
11372372372The Woman Socialist/Chapter 1
11371371371The Woman Socialist/Chapter 7
11371371371The Woman Socialist/Chapter 8
11370370370The Woman Socialist/Chapter 9
11370370370The Woman Socialist/Chapter 11
11368368368The Woman Socialist/Chapter 2
11369369369The Woman Socialist/Chapter 3
11368368368The Woman Socialist/Chapter 4
11368368368The Woman Socialist/Chapter 6
11368368368The Woman Socialist/Chapter 10
11367367367The Woman Socialist/Chapter 5
11365365365The Woman Socialist/Chapter 13
11346346346The Woman Socialist/Conclusion
11342342342The Woman Socialist/Introduction
11304304304Lady Anne Granard/Chapter 51
11304304304Lady Anne Granard/Chapter 52
1200686Stories by Foreign Authors (German I)/The Cremona Violin
11283283283A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Dietsch, Pierre
11274274274A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Delaire, Jacques
11-241241411The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 11
11-232232405The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 13
1123123122 kThe Man of Property/Part II/Chapter 9
11-230230398The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 9
11-225225412The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 7
11-223223398The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 5
11-222222400The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 8
11-221221384The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 43
11-218218406The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 35
11-217217422The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 10
11-216216400The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 18
11-214214410The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 4
11-214214406The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 16
11-214214390The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 20
11-215215394The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 10
11-213213381The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 1
11-213213393The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 19
11-213213402The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 12
11-211211402The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 3
11-211211393The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 15
11-212212399The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 17
11-211211407The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 20
11-210210414The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 34
11-209209380The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 18
11-210210372The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 22
11-208208427The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 12
11-205205410The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 33
11-206206379The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 37
11-203203390The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 41
11-204204402The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 14
11-203203378The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 5
11-204204394The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 7
11-204204411The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 16
11-203203400The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 21
11-201201381The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 32
11-201201401The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 40
11-200200415The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 17
11-199199409The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 42
11-198198397The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 15
11-197197379The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 15
11-196196403The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 39
11-196196386The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 19
11-195195410The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 36
11-193193380The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 25
11-191191387The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 38
11-190190403The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 2
11-191191418The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Chapter 21
11-191191392The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 3
11-190190424The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 11
11-190190395The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 13
11-190190384The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 23
11-190190380The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 27
11-188188409The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 6
11-189189395The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 8
11-187187395The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 9
11-187187379The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 29
11-186186395The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 30
11-186186397The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 31
11-186186394The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 4
11-185185378The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 14
1118518518 kThe Man of Property/Part II/Chapter 10
11-184184390The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 26
11-184184375The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 28
11-181181395The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 22
11-175175389The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 18
11-175175377The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 25
11-172172379The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 11
11-172172402The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 13
11-172172397The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 2
11-170170378The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 5
11-171171395The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 17
11-171171399The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 24
11-171171360The Paradise/Volume 1/The history of the Monks/Chapter 30
11-169169386The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 20
11-166166377The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 4
11-167167408The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 10
11-166166382The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 14
11-166166389The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 19
11-166166417The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 21
11-166166382The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 28
11-161161393The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 6
11-161161372The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 7
11-161161401The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 9
11-159159392The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 12
11-159159407The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 23
11-157157407The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 16
11-158158381The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 29
11-156156377The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 8
11-155155392The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 26
11-156156402The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 27
11-137137423The Paradise/Volume 1/The Rule of Pachomius at Tabenna/Further Remarks by…
111351354351911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Druses
11-134134388The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 2/Chapter 3
Graphique des modifications 25 May 2022
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