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October 2019

2146271.5 M627Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 23/Number 1
252702 M270Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 17/Number 1
274081.6 M408Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 22/Number 1
215-257 k280 k684Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War
262611.7 M261Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 16/Number 1
282591.3 M259Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 18/Number 1
220574886 k574The Story of Opal
12543 k43 k43 kProtestant Exiles from France
13020 k19 k19 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1879)
210111.1 M1.3 kEssays in Historical Criticism/The Legend of Marcus Whitman
242611.3 M261Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 21/Number 1
13220 k1.1 M215 kOregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 23/Number 2
12918 k17 k17 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1877)
12817 k16 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (March 1875)
12517 k16 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (March 1878)
232591.3 M259Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 15/Number 1
26277984 k277Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 23/Number 3
213308739 k308Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 1/Chapter 10
251-14 k41 k57Wyoming Constitution
25268961 k268Atlantis Arisen/Chapter 4
28288702 k288Atlantis Arisen/Chapter 20
12117 k17 k17 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1876)
28287648 k287Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 15/Number 3
2435 k34 k34 kA Night of Horror
26-75 k79 k335The Pearl of Great Price (1913)/Moses
27277572 k277Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 14/Number 2
24-42 k41 k668Rosa Alchemica
27285709 k285The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811–1912/Volume 1/Chapter 2
2336 k35 k35 kMcClure's Magazine/Volume 31/Number 6/Thurnley Abbey
23326807 k326Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 1/Chapter 15
11817 k16 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1874)
11817 k16 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (November 1875)
12116 k16 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1873)
29-37 k38 k634The Pearl of Great Price (1913)/Abraham
23-26 k26 k578Letter to Chairman Burr and Chairman Schiff, August 12, 2019
2512 k12 k12 kRosa Alchemica/Part 2
2143369155 k369Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 23/Jonathan Carver's Source for the Na…
2414 k13 k13 kRosa Alchemica/Part 3
26-42 k43 k361The Pearl of Great Price (1913)/History
25260346 k260Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 14/Number 1
2311 k11 k11 kRosa Alchemica/Part 4
14132 k129 k129 kForced Luck
11719 k19 k19 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (March 1883)
23278463 k278Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 14/Number 3
24307348 k307Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 1/Chapter 7
27-30 k32 k191Diplomacy and the Study of International Relations/Part 1/Chapter 1
11317 k17 k17 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (October 1878)
24261323 k261Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 14/Number 4
12-166 k162 k8.4 kTyphoon
25-29 k30 k192Diplomacy and the Study of International Relations/Part 1/Chapter 2
316414880414Weird Tales/Volume 1/Issue 1/The Thing of a Thousand Shapes
1299 k97 k97 kAdventure (magazine)/Volume 42/Number 2/Swain's Stone
11-155 k152 k5381911 Encyclopædia Britannica/French Revolution, The
47201.3 k347Dictionary of Spoken Spanish
266.2 k6.2 k6 kRosa Alchemica/Part 1
1575 k73 k73 kSeven Men/Hilary Maltby
1281 k79 k79 kAdventure (magazine)/Volume 14/Number 4/Contraband Matrimony
2630685 k306Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 1/Chapter 6
2637474 k374Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 23/The First Indian School of the Paci…
1848 k47 k47 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 5
25-9.2 k9.5 k129Four and Twenty Minds/Chapter 7
1272 k70 k70 kThe Trumpeter
12-72 k70 k344Thaïs/The Lotus
25-9 k9.5 k301The Pearl of Great Price (1913)/Matthew
2743156 k431Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 27/Wishram
11052 k51 k51 kSeven Men/'Savonarola' Brown
1194 k92 k92 kThe Devil's Dooryard
11016 k21 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (October 1886)
1447 k46 k46 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 9
1264 k62 k62 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 11
13-61 k60 k3971911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Friends, Society of
1639 k39 k46 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 4
1360 k58 k58 kA Book of Escapes And Hurried Journeys/The Escape of Prince Charles Edward
14-55 k54 k5441911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Process (printing)
11111 k10 k10 kThe Czechoslovak Review/Volume 3
1265 k63 k63 kSlayer by Stealth
24-8.7 k9.3 k145Diplomacy and the Study of International Relations/Preface
245.5 k5.3 k5.3 kTreaty on Literary and Artistic Copyright (1889)
1354 k52 k52 kEntick v Carrington
1255 k54 k54 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 5
35740740740White House memorandum of a telephone conversation between U.S. President…
1247 k46 k46 kThe Kidnapping of Rockervelt
1435 k34 k34 kThe Horses of Bostil's Ford
2930653 k306Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 1/Chapter 5
1172 k70 k70 kUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
1171 k70 k70 kLady Méchante
264.4 k4.6 k4.3 kBangsamoro Autonomy Act No. 2
1247 k46 k46 kThe World War: Its Tragedies And Its Lessons
1240 k39 k39 kDon Diego Valdez
1820 k19 k19 kInter-Collegiate Football Rules (1876)
14-42 k41 k14 kFowler v. Merrill/Opinion of the Court
1166 k65 k65 kAfterward
11-66 k65 k3101911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Freemasonry
1329 k29 k29 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 10
2122.3 k2.4 k2.2 kA Brief Outline of the History of Libraries
1238 k37 k37 kTyphoon/IV
1328 k28 k28 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 9
1620 k20 k20 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1882)
1327 k26 k26 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 8
1242 k41 k42 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 7
1235 k35 k35 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 4
1326 k26 k26 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 7
1325 k25 k25 kA Deal on 'Change
1234 k33 k33 kMcClure's Magazine/Volume 9/Number 3/Uncle John and the Rubies
1325 k25 k25 kThe Mantle of Red Evans
1233 k33 k33 kThe Marriage of Meldrum Strange/Chapter 4
11-60 k59 k5221911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Friendly Societies
1232 k31 k31 kTyphoon/II
1229 k29 k29 kTyphoon/V
1229 k28 k28 kThe Trials of a Department Store Critic
1229 k28 k28 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 3
1319 k19 k19 kEnglish Illustrated/A Cut and a Kiss
1155 k54 k54 kTomtom Tragedy
1228 k27 k27 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 12
1235 k34 k34 kA Book of Escapes And Hurried Journeys/The Great Montrose
1227 k27 k27 kA Wild Boar Rampant
1154 k53 k53 kWitch's Moon
1226 k25 k25 kUnder the Red Robe/Chapter 11
1225 k25 k25 kThe Marriage of Meldrum Strange/Chapter 7
242.9 k2.8 k2.8 kLast message to Scouters and Guides
1329 k29 k29 kThe Curse of Positano
1231 k30 k30 kA Book of Escapes And Hurried Journeys/From Pretoria to the Sea
1224 k24 k24 kThe Marriage of Meldrum Strange/Chapter 14
15-10 k12 k1.5 kDiplomacy and the Study of International Relations
1224 k23 k23 kA Book of Escapes And Hurried Journeys/On the Roof of the World
1224 k23 k23 kA Three-Volume Novel
1223 k23 k23 kThe Visionists/Chapter 1
3419325713 kWeird Tales/1923
14115 k15 k51 kUnited States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/20th Congress
1149 k48 k48 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 8
1149 k48 k48 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 9
1149 k48 k48 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 2
1149 k48 k48 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 10
1201.1 k1 k16 kLaws of the Rugby Football Union (1871)
3427127166 kThe Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes
1228 k27 k27 kWhat Was It? A Mystery
11-48 k47 k10 kAmerican Trucking Associations Inc v. Smith/Concurrence Scalia
1220 k20 k20 kThe Marriage of Meldrum Strange/Chapter 12
1318 k18 k18 kThe Marriage of Meldrum Strange/Chapter 1
1220 k20 k20 kTyphoon/VI
1310 k10 k10 kSpeech to Mark One Year of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General
1219 k19 k19 kTyphoon/III
1219 k19 k19 kA Man and His Model
1146 k45 k45 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 6
1219 k18 k18 kFur Pirates/Chapter 14
1218 k18 k18 kFur Pirates/Chapter 6
1218 k18 k18 kFur Pirates/Chapter 20
1145 k44 k45 kOnce a Week (magazine)/Series 1/Volume 1
1145 k44 k44 kGentlemen of the North/Chapter 1
1224 k23 k23 kThe Shell of Sense
Graphique des modifications October 2019
Graphique des utilisateurs October 2019
Graphique des espaces de noms October 2019