
Most active pages
4 February 2016

11508 k496 k496 kThe Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne
2317 k16 k29 kNIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods
1355 k117 k54 kU.S. Senate Resolution of Advice and Consent to Ratification of the Inter…
1215 k14 k14 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 19
1215 k14 k14 kMandate for Syria and the Lebanon
1132 k31 k31 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 16
1129 k28 k28 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 12
1127 k27 k27 kAviation Weather AC 00-6A/Atmospheric Pressure and Altimetry
1127 k26 k26 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 9
1125 k25 k25 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 11
1125 k24 k24 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 13
1125 k24 k24 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 5
1123 k22 k22 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 8
1122 k22 k22 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 1
1122 k21 k21 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 6
1121 k21 k21 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 2
1121 k20 k20 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 3
1120 k20 k20 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 17
1120 k20 k20 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 15
1120 k19 k19 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 7
1119 k19 k19 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 18
1117 k17 k17 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 10
1115 k15 k15 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 4
1115 k15 k15 kSalome and the Head/Chapter 14
14-4.1 k4.4 k612Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/James Buchanan
132.9 k2.8 k26 kEncyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Volume IV
12-1.2 k1.2 k174The New International Encyclopædia/Moawiyah
12-1.4 k1.4 k473Poems That Every Child Should Know/The Frost
13704704704Lovely flowers of martyrs, hail
12734734734Bethlehem of noblest cities
12671671671O Lord of perfect purity
13601651601Creator of the starry frame
125965961.8 kSalome and the Head
12602602677Now doth the sun ascend the sky
12477477560See, amid the Winter's Snow
22032694Popular Science Monthly/Volume 13/May 1878/The Question of Pain in Drowning
22108631 kMoral letters to Lucilius/Letter 88
12225225975Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
13183183225 kA Naval Biographical Dictionary
14107111405Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (2.)
12-284284422Poems That Every Child Should Know/The Owl
12666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (city)
12-2020561A First Series of Hymns and Songs/Catholic Hymns/Evening Hymn
11502502584Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory (Christmas)
11500500500A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, John Chambers
11495495495A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, George William
11489489489A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, Henry Towry
11482482482A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, Hugh Brice
11480480480A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, John (b)
11477477477A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, John (a)
11470470470A Naval Biographical Dictionary/White, Mark
11425425425Bengal Fairy Tales/Katmanush, or the Human Being who was made of Wood
11407407407Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buchanan
121191555A First Series of Hymns and Songs/Catholic Hymns/Holy Innocents
11389389389Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo
11370370370Devil Stories/The Demon Pope
11341341341The Hambledon Men/Index
11333333333Hunger (Hamsun)/Part 2
11329329329The World Factbook (1982)/Mali
11328328328American Medical Biographies/Chapman, Nathaniel
11-2892895.6 kA Complete Collection of the English Poems which have obtained the Chance…
11254254254The New International Encyclopædia/Manchester (Massachusetts)
11246246246The New International Encyclopædia/Manchester (New Hampshire)
11236236236The New International Encyclopædia/Manchester (Connecticut)
11235235235The New International Encyclopædia/Manchester (Vermont)
11232232232The New International Encyclopædia/Manchester (Iowa)
11195195195The New International Encyclopædia/Mobile
11191191191The New International Encyclopædia/Moberly
11191191191The New International Encyclopædia/Moberly, George
11185185185The New International Encyclopædia/Moallakat
11174174174The New International Encyclopædia/Moat
111631634.2 kThe New International Encyclopædia/Volume XII Latium - Manna
11-153153423Poems (Coates 1916)/Volume I/Near and Far
11152152152The New International Encyclopædia/Mob
111241244.3 kThe New International Encyclopædia/Volume XIII Manna-Croup - Morganitic M…
11115115115Hail! Mary, only sinless child
111131134731911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Buchanan, James
11106106106What mortal tongue can sing thy praise
11106106106Quis te canat mortalium
11106106106Feast of the Annunciation of the B. V. Mary
11104104104Feast of the Assumption of the B. V. Mary
11104104104Cantant hymnos caelites
11103103103Gratitude for the early Knowledge of God
11102102102Jesu, Creator of the world
11102102102Auctor Beate Saeculi
11101101101Hymn to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
11102102102Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
11989898Litany of the Resurrection of Jesus
11979797Spotless Anna, Juda's glory
11979797Clarae dici gaudiis
11979797St. Anne, Mother of the B. V. Mary
11959595Litany of the Childhood of Jesus
11949494If e'er my heart in riper years
11939393Litany of the Passion of Jesus
11929292Holy Queen, we bend before thee
11919191Litany of the Birth of Jesus
11888888Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
11878787Hail, thou Star of Ocean
11878787Ave maris stella
11-8585451Poems (1898)/Near and Far
11858585O thou eternal King most high
11858585Aeterne Rex altissime, Redemptor
11858585Feast of the Ascension
11868686Feast of Corpus Christi
11848484O sola magnarum urbium
11838383O'erwhelmed in depths of woe
11838383Saevo dolorum turbine
11848484Hymn for the Epiphany
11838383Hymn for Good Friday
11818181A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Whipple, Thomas Connell O’Donhell
11818181Hymn for Pentecost
11777777Salvete flores martyrum
11787878Mother of Mercy (Faber)
11777777Holy Innocents
11757575Philochristus/Chapter 26
11757575Jam lucis orto sidere
11757575Coeli Deus sanctissime
11757575Dear Saint, who on thy natal day
11767676Star of Jacob
11767676O stella Jacob fulgida
11757575Divine Grace
11757575Philochristus/Chapter 27
11757575St. Aloysius
11747474Conditor alme siderum
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buchanan, James
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buchanan (2.)
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/J. Buchanan
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Pres. Buchanan
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buchanan, J.
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Jackson, Andrew
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/A. Jackson
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Jackson, A.
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/General Jackson
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Gen. Jackson
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Pres. Jackson
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/President Jackson
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/James Buchanan Junior
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/James Buchanan Jr
11686868Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/James Buchanan Jr.
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (town)
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (New York)
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo, New York
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo, N.Y.
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo, U.S.A.
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (U.S.A.)
11666666Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Buffalo (USA)
115959591911 Encyclopædia Britannica/James Buchanan
11585858The Frost (Gould)
11565656The Owl
11-515150Maiden Mother, meek and mild
Graphique des modifications 4 February 2016
Graphique des utilisateurs 4 February 2016
Graphique des espaces de noms 4 February 2016