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22 January 2010

247.2 k7 k7 kExecutive Order 669½
1314 k14 k14 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Weber's Law
1124 k23 k23 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Webster, Daniel
1121 k21 k21 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernest von
11-14 k13 k567The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXVII
11-11 k11 k454Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Gordon, Alexander (1692?-1754?)
11-11 k11 k848The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXI
31110811276 kConstitution of Angola (1992)
126.5 k6.3 k6.3 kExecutive Order 10719
117.9 k7.7 k7.7 kExecutive Order 527
232163185.9 kExecutive Order 725
116.6 k6.4 k6.4 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Girard, Stephen
115.8 k5.7 k5.7 kUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 53/93
115.7 k5.6 k5.6 kExecutive Order 10440
143.7 k3.6 k3.6 kLCDR Bill Speaks of USCENTCOM Public Affairs on American Forces' authoriz…
115.5 k5.4 k5.4 kUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 52/175
115.3 k5.2 k5.2 kExecutive Order 10180
11-4.7 k4.6 k579The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXIV
123.1 k3 k3 kExecutive Order 10444
114.5 k4.4 k4.4 kExecutive Order 10869
123 k2.9 k2.9 kExecutive Order 9075
124.7 k4.6 k4.6 kRoe v. Wade/Dissent White
221521529801911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Abaddon
122.3 k2.3 k2.3 kExecutive Order 10337
113.6 k3.5 k3.5 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Girardin, Émile de
113.5 k3.4 k3.4 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Girardon, François
113.3 k3.2 k3.2 kUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 51/198 C
113.3 k3.2 k7.8 kExecutive Order 12534
131.6 k1.5 k1.5 kAppletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Weber, Max
113.2 k3.1 k3.1 kExecutive Order 10694
131.5 k1.5 k1.5 kAppletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Weber, Gustav C. E.
113.1 k3 k3 kExecutive Order 9396
113 k2.9 k2.9 kFlorence Gray
121.2 k1.2 k24 kOn the Steady Motion of an Electrified Ellipsoid
112.7 k2.7 k2.7 kExecutive Order 995
121.2 k1.1 k19 kOn the Electromagnetic Mass of a Moving Electron
112.6 k2.5 k2.5 kExecutive Order 9050
11-2.4 k2.4 k581The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXIII
112.4 k2.3 k2.3 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Girardin, Delphine de
112.3 k2.2 k2.2 kExecutive Order 10017
112.2 k2.1 k2.1 kExecutive Order 10463
112.1 k2.1 k2.1 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
2203494 kThe Annals (Tacitus)/Book 15
22030540 kRights of Man
112 k2 k2 kExecutive Order 9769
154494492.1 kDictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Vol 22 Glover - Gravet
111.7 k1.7 k4.5 kExecutive Order 12489
1288288414 kNotes on the Electro-magnetic Theory of Moving Charges
111.7 k1.6 k1.6 kThe Mother to her Child
111.5 k1.5 k1.5 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Webster, Benjamin Nottingham
111.3 k1.3 k1.3 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Webster, Alexander
141.2 k1.2 k1.2 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Blackberry
13-6427981.8 kCorwin Amendment
14485485485Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/15. The Accents
121.3 k1.3 k1.3 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Bolt
11-980980611The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXII
12413413413Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Reynolds, Thomas (1667?-1727)
11890890890Executive Order 774
12368368368Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Robinson, Benjamin
12361367361Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hulls, Jonathan
13438454438Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Wordsworth, Charles
11-854854572The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXIX
11-804804576The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXL
12255349255Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/13. Dageš lene
128128128121911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Ben Ledi
111.1 k1.1 k1.1 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Ben Lomond
11-592592579The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXVIII
12909090Constitution of Angola
11-565565561The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXVI
126906926901911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Bennett, John
12-174174752Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's life/Preface
11540540540Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Wordsworth, Christopher (1774…
11481481481United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/1st Congress/3rd Session/Chapter 6
12105105370Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Huntley, Francis
119719719711911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Ben Venue
12-8282538Popular Science Monthly/Volume 4/Index
11430430430Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Godolphin, Sidney (1610-1643)
11-423423575The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXVIIa
12-13167662Popular Science Monthly/Volume 4/November 1873/Liberal Education in the N…
11412412412Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Wesley, Samuel (1662-1735)
123232531The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter III
11408408408Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Godolphin, Francis
1140040086 kMINUGUA - Third report
11394394394Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Goodford, Charles Old
12680404Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Abbott, Edwin
125135135131911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Benue
11386386386Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Glyn, Isabella Dallas
1288639Popular Science Monthly/Volume 5/Index
11384384384A Guide to Health/Part 1/Chapter 3
11382382382Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Hulme, Frederick William
11369369369Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Tallents, Francis
11364364364Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Lawrence, Samuel
1300765Popular Science Monthly/Volume 4/March 1874/Walking, Swimming, and Flying
11-31031040Francis Hutchinson (DNB00)
1200719Popular Science Monthly/Volume 4/March 1874/The World Before the Introduc…
112672679.7 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Vol 28 VETCH to ZYMOTIC DISEASES
11261261261Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/14. Mappîq and Rāphè
112462462.2 kExecutive Order 10179
11-245245559The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CXXXV
11204204986Makers of British botany/A sketch of the Professors of Botany in Edinburg…
117037037031911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Beothuk
1120320324 kAppletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography
12-551.2 kMemoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's life/Apology and Notes
1200726Popular Science Monthly/Volume 4/March 1874/Replies to the Quarterly Revi…
111581585.2 k1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Vol 12 GICHTEL to HARMONIUM
11144144144Category:Harvard Law Review
111261261.5 kDictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Vol 48 Reilly - Robins
111101109.5 kDictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Vol 28 Howard - Inglethorpe
111091093 kDictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Vol 60 Watson - Whewell
1187872.4 kDictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Vol 55 Stow - Taylor
11787878United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/1st Congress/3rd Session
11-6565492United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/1st Congress/1st Session/Chapter 3
11616120 kSecond Computer Inquiry/Final Decision
11626262Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/14
11-5757362Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Huntington, William
11545454Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/13
11545454Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/15
11515121 kMINUGUA - Report on the military observer group
1151514.5 kUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1094
1151513.5 kEquitation
11494994 kList of Bagram detainees as of 2009-09-22
11444444Description of a City Shower
1139393.4 kExecutive Order 10977
11383838Francis Tallents (DNB000)
1134344.6 kLetter to AT&T July 31, 2009
1134343.5 kLetter to Google July 31, 2009
113333443Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Adams, George (d.1773)
113333434Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Adams, George (1750-1795)
113333436Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Adams, John (1662-1720)
113333415Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Adams, Joseph
11-2727478The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the man…
1125254.1 kKubla Khan
112121333Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Huquier, James Gabriel
11-14142.3 kHope for Haiti
11121278United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/1st Congress/1st Session
1199684The Passenger Pigeon
1199397The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter I
1199403The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter II
1199462The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter IV
1199536The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter V
1199416The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter VI
1199429The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter VII
1199528The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter VIII
1199481The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter IX
1199440The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter X
1199437The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter XI
1199529The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter XII
1199457The Passenger Pigeon/Chapter XIII
Graphique des modifications 22 January 2010
Graphique des utilisateurs 22 January 2010
Graphique des espaces de noms 22 January 2010