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16 November 2021

22202057An Ordinance for the Removal of Doubts regarding the Right of Aliens to h…
221050315Arabic Thought and Its Place in History/Chapter VII
2210343081911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Base-Ball
2210210 kJourney into the Interior of the Earth/Chapter XIX
1123 k22 k22 kStamped in Gold/Chapter 4
1119 k18 k18 kThe Frontier/Part 1/Chapter 3
1118 k17 k17 kStamped in Gold/Chapter 5
1115 k15 k15 kStamped in Gold/Chapter 6
1114 k14 k14 kStamped in Gold/Chapter 7
1114 k14 k14 kThe Frontier/Part 1/Chapter 4
1112 k12 k12 kStamped in Gold/Chapter 8
1111 k11 k11 kThe Frontier/Part 1/Chapter 6
118.4 k8.2 k8.2 kThe Frontier/Part 1/Chapter 5
11-4.4 k4.3 k2471911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Istria
113.9 k3.8 k3.8 kEthel Churchill
11-3.1 k3 k2711911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Isaac
129839836.4 kThe Dial
12763763763The Dodge Criterion/Fr. Anthony Folta Dies Saturday in Omaha Hospital
12783783783The Colfax County Press and the Clarkson Herald Consolidated/Rev. Filipi …
12779779779Theft Act 1978
12580580580The Dial (Third Series)/Volume 75/The Fate of Baron von Leisenbohg
12449449449The Dial (Third Series)/Volume 75/Majesty Walks In The Garden: Spain
11940940940An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York
125085083.6 kThe Frontier
12491491491The Dodge Criterion
11-8598593221911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Japan/06 Government and Administration
11762762762Fremont Tribune/Services held for Father Folta at church at Dodge
11747747747The Elementary Worker and his Work
11726726726The Schuyler Sun/Father Anthony Folta
121561781.2 kThe Colfax County Press and the Clarkson Herald Consolidated
11488488488Fremont Tribune
129595825The Schuyler Sun
12-9292582The Elementary Worker and his Work/Chapter 5
128787459The Religious Instruction of the Colored Population
11403403403Portrait of a Man with Red Hair/Part 3
113443446.7 kCastes and Tribes of Southern India/Volume 5
11343343343The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11341341341The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11326326326Francesca Carrara/Chapter 80
12158106418Under the Microscope/Under the Microscope
112452451.2 kThe Consolation of Philosophy
11229229229Lady Athlyne/Chapter 9
12-44325The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11173173173The Apocryphal New Testament (1924)/Passion Gospels/The Gospel of Peter
11136136482Transmittal of Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs on Korean Claim to…
11130130130The Apocryphal New Testament (1924)/Epistles
11-1111111 kThe Origin of Continents and Oceans
11-94943511911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob
118383527On the Coromandel Coast
11757511086 FR 17895
116767386A Field Book of the Stars/Index
11-63632541911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Islip
11575757Aliens (Rights of Property) Ordinance
11494981'Twas the new moon...
11494989An Evenings Entertainment
11454545History of Italian Literature
1138381.1 kThe life and times of Master John Hus
1138381.2 kJohn Huss: his life, teachings and death, after five hundred years
11343434 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 14
112323352The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
1122221.6 kPortrait of a Man with Red Hair
11212158 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 10
11212184 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 06
11202059Anglo Saxon Chronicle (H)
112121107 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 07
11212132 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 08
1121211.8 kThe Collected Works of Theodore Parker
11212140 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 05
11212147 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 11
11212147 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 12
11212141 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 04
11212142 kThe Reminiscences of Carl Schurz/Volume One/Chapter 13
112020839Publicans and Sinners
11191948Yellow Sign
11191961Street of the Four Winds
11191944Rue Barree
11191973Gentleman Sharper and Steelman Sharper
11191969Street of Our Lady of the Fields
11191952Demoiselle d'Ys
11191955Prophets' Paradise
11191962Street of the First Shell
11151554Carriages without horses shall go
11151548Letter to King Henri II
111414343The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11131361Happy birthday to you
111313342The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11131333Tristia (Mandelstam)
1112122351911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Isogonic Lines
1112122391911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Isodynamic Lines
1111111 kUnder the Microscope
1199338The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11101060Good Morning to All
11101060Happy Birthday to You
11-7768Act on Conflict of Laws, Buddhist Era 2481 (1938)
116657Ordinance No. 2 of 1853
11-22322The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World
113382Announcement of the Prime Minister dated March 7, 1934
1133332The Works of H. G. Wells (Atlantic Edition)/The War of the Worlds/Chapter…
11-2226I go, sweet friends
113382Announcement of the Prime Minister dated 7 March 1934
1111604 L.Ed.2d 161
1100261The Origin of Continents and Oceans/Index
1100288The Origin of Continents and Oceans/Chapter 13
110067Jungle Tales of Tarzan/Chapter II
111164141 U.S. 212
111164345 U.S. 22
11116497 L.Ed. 754
11116473 S.Ct. 510
1100777The Colfax County Press and the Clarkson Herald Consolidated/Father Petla…
11116080 S.Ct. 189
1111472Sacred Books of the East/Volume 16/Hexagram 19
110093The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hôïchi
1100736Aliens (Rights of Property) Ordinance, 1853
111160361 U.S. 118
11116411 S.Ct. 1005
Graphique des modifications 16 November 2021
Graphique des utilisateurs 16 November 2021
Graphique des espaces de noms 16 November 2021